>As you can see, obviously photo montages are made for making political statements.

Sabine Korth

  • Category: Web design
  • Client: ASU Company
  • Project date: 01 March, 2020
  • Project URL: www.example.com

Autem ipsum nam porro corporis rerum. Quis eos dolorem eos itaque inventore commodi labore quia quia. Exercitationem repudiandae officiis neque suscipit non officia eaque itaque enim. Voluptatem officia accusantium nesciunt est omnis tempora consectetur dignissimos. Sequi nulla at esse enim cum deserunt eius.

Melissa Hribar USA photo collage
Melissa Hribar USA photo collage

Melissa HRIBAR

  • Category: Web Contest Digital Photography
  • Client: Melissa HRIBAR
  • Project date: 01 March, 2020
  • URL: http://www.mmhribar.com/montages "Cash or Credit", Digital collages made in between 1997-1999 as part of my senior thesis at RISD. The juxtaposition of images (found photos and pictures I took) explore the humor and darkness of American consumerism and it's affects on other cultures."
  • link: https://trends-in-phot-and-graph-design-1990s.blogspot.com/2020/11/page-030.html">https://trends-in-phot-and-graph-design-1990s.blogspot.com/2020/11/page-030.html
  • trends030_t_mhbunn, trends030_t_mhtvde

Melissa HRIBAR is a graphic designer from the US. She took part in a digital photography contest when digital photography was still in its infancy. So an early adapter you might say. "My work is a satirical exploration into the negative aspects of American Consumerism. American culture defines itself by their excessive habits of buying and selling goods. Just as in the earliest days where the photographic image was taken as truth, so too does this age take television as the words of a modern gospel. We find ourselves bombarded with advertising imagery wherever we turn, whether it’s on the television or walking down the street. And it is this assault on our senses that desensitises us to the differences between need and want".
from melissa Hribar's artist statement

This is very advanced collage making, it is more art than collage. This guy makes 'a collage a day'. Just browse through his examples and I am sure you will find some useful ideas in positioning and in hints to keep collages simple but effective.

nummertje 4

  • Category: Web design
  • Client: ASU Company
  • Project date: 01 March, 2020
  • Project URL: www.example.com

Autem ipsum nam porro corporis rerum. Quis eos dolorem eos itaque inventore commodi labore quia quia. Exercitationem repudiandae officiis neque suscipit non officia eaque itaque enim. Voluptatem officia accusantium nesciunt est omnis tempora consectetur dignissimos. Sequi nulla at esse enim cum deserunt eius.