What will the future bring regarding seeing and technology? (summer 2023):

- Advancements in Imaging and Sensing Technologies: Imaging and sensing technologies are continuously evolving, allowing for higher-resolution cameras, more sensitive sensors, and advanced image processing capabilities. This could lead to further improvements in image quality, low-light performance, and computational photography techniques.

- Enhanced Vision Devices: We may see the development of advanced wearable devices that can augment and enhance human vision. These devices could provide real-time information overlays, object recognition, and assistive features for people with visual impairments.

- Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): AR and VR technologies have the potential to revolutionize how we see and interact with digital content. AR overlays digital information onto the real world, enhancing our perception and providing context-specific visual cues. VR creates immersive digital environments that can replicate real-world experiences or transport us to entirely new ones.

- Holography and 3D Visualization: Advancements in holographic displays and 3D visualization technologies could enable more realistic and immersive visual experiences, such as holographic presentations, interactive holograms, and true-to-life 3D representations.

- Artificial Vision: - Bionic Eyes and Vision Restoration: Ongoing research and development aim to restore vision for individuals with visual impairments. Bionic eyes and retinal implants could offer sight to those who have lost it due to conditions like retinitis pigmentosa or age-related macular degeneration.

- Neural Imaging and Mind Reading: Advanced brain imaging technologies could allow us to visualize and interpret neural activity related to visual perception. This could lead to the ability to "read" visual thoughts and emotions, potentially opening up new possibilities in communication and neuroscientific research.

- Biometric Identification: Visual biometrics, such as iris recognition and facial recognition, are already being widely used for authentication and security purposes. As technology improves, we may see more advanced and secure applications of biometric identification.

- Smart Glasses and Wearable Displays: Smart glasses and wearable displays are evolving, offering hands-free access to visual information. Future iterations could integrate more advanced sensors, augmented reality features, and personalized visual assistance, expanding their applications in various domains.

- Brain-Computer Interfaces: Direct interfaces between the brain and technology could potentially allow us to transmit and receive visual information directly to and from devices, opening up new possibilities in communication and virtual experiences.